Schlagwort-Archive: Chansi Jin

Seidenfadenkraft – Chansi Jin

Yin Yang

Yin Yang

Dieser Artikel kann als Teil 2 zur Post von gestern “Seiden(faden)-Übungen bzw. Silk Reeling” angesehen werden.

Über Jin, die verfeinerte, koordinierte (innere) Kraft, die der rohen, isolierten Muskelkraft Li gegenüber gestellt werden kann, habe ich auch schon in “Peng Jin, die wichtigste Kraft im Taijiquan” geschrieben. Neben dem langen (Chang Jin) und dem kurzen Jin (Duan Jin) werden einige Arten von Jin unterschieden, u.a. eben Chansi Jin, die Seidenfandenkraft. Die inneren Verbindung der Körperteile und die synergetische Entwicklung dieser spiraligen Kraft vom Zentrum (Dantian) kann mit den Seidenübungen gut gefördert werden.

Dazu noch ein Zitat von Chan Si Jing And Its Application :

Chan si jing originates from dantian and is executed through the waist and the chest with the help of our hips and legs. It is important that we train until the chest and the waist are united into one piece in our movements. (We should always line up our shoulders and our hips from the top down and make them work together as one unit with the waist in control. We should avoid moving the shoulders only. If we consider that our torso from the shoulders down to the hips is one piece, this will certainly help.) Then we can use our chest and waist (torso) to power our arms, which will move in spiral and circular movements. The execution of Chan si jing is through turning our chest and waist — left or right, but not forwards and backwards (which can reduce the force produced) to propel our arms. Our torso (chest and waist) controls not only our arms but also our legs. When we turn left or right, our legs will have to turn in the same direction to give their support. That way the whole body force is produced. We should not turn or move our arms by themselves. …

Noch ein kurzes Zitat von Chan si jin or silk reeling energy Exercise
Basically, there are two kinds of reeling silk techniques, namely “Shun Chan Si” (“natural reeling silk”) and “Ni Chan Si” (“reverse reeling silk”).

Chan Si Jing And Its Application
Chansi Jin (Silk Reeling Power)