Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Helios: erster Meilenstein für Eclipse 3.6

Die Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse hat sich zu einem äußerst populären Open-Source-Projekt entwickelt. Als flexibler Software-Werkzeugkasten kann Eclipse Produkte unterschiedlicher Hersteller als Plug-ins integrieren, etwa für Modellierung, Entwicklung und Softwaretests; schon seit einiger Zeit ist Eclipse nicht mehr nur auf Java begrenzt. Unter dem Codenamen Helios geht jetzt die Entwicklung für das nächste Eclipse-Release 3.6 weiter….

Den ganzen Originalartikel können Sie hier lesen: Helios: erster Meilenstein für Eclipse 3.6

Testing Practices Interview 7: Mike Gunderloy

The Testing Practices Interview series is back. Our interviewee is Mike Gunderloy, publisher of A Fresh Cup and member of the Rails Documentation Team.

Mike has recently released Rails Rescue Handbook, a guide to taking over Rails projects that have been abandoned or are otherwise new to you. It’s a DRM-free PDF file, available for $9.95, and it’s full of useful tips and advice, highly recommended.

So, here’s Mike.

How did you get into writing tests regularly? Did you have a specific moment when you realized automated testing was valuable?

To some extent I’ve been testing for 30 years, ever since I got started programming. I don’t see a strong distinction in purpose between manual testing, debugging, and automated testing: they’re all ways to make sure your code does what you think it does.

As far as automated testing, though, my first exposure was during some Microsoft contracts 10 years ago or thereabouts. But on those big projects, automated tests were maintained by the testers, not by the developers; completely different group of people and tools. I did dabble a bit with tools like TestDriven.NET, but ultimately, it was moving over to Ruby/Rails that got me into a truly test-infected environment.

So I’ve pretty much “always” known that testing was valuable, and even seen the benefits of automated testing for quite a long while. It’s been an evolutionary step from there to developer-written automated tests and TDD – which I am not religious about. I use TDD when it suits me, and skip it when it doesn’t.

What is your Rails testing process? What kinds of tests do you write, and what tools do you use to write them?

Probably 90% of the tests I write these days are functional and unit tests, and the other 10% integration tests. As a subcontractor to many different teams, I’ve had the chance to experiment with a great many tools. The exposure has left me unconvinced that there’s a good ROI on either view testing or Cucumber-style BDD, though I recognize that reasonable people differ on this (and that different teams or different projects might have left me with a different impression).

When I have the luxury of picking my own tools these days, I find myself using Test::Unit, Shoulda, Mocha, and Object Daddy most often, with a side of parallel_test when the test suite grows. I’ve played with a couple of different CI servers as well, and at the moment I’m leaning towards Cerberus.

As far as process goes it’s a mix of TDD and more traditional top-down decomposition development with tests as I go; some of this just reflects my age in the industry, I’m sure. I do lots of little code spikes via git branching, and those usually don’t have tests involved; then I’ll come back to the branch I’m working on when I know where I’m going and write the tests and code together.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve discovered about testing recently?

I’ve been spending a fair amount of time doing code reviews lately. It astonishes me how many teams – even good teams writing good code – have little to no test coverage. The fact that the code is good indicates that testing is not 100% essential – the fact that it has holes shows how it would help. And it’s also evident that the wider Rails community isn’t as test-infected as we like to think it is.

Is there a tool you wish you had for testing that you don’t think
currently exists?

I wouldn’t mind finding a good open source record-and-playback tool to use for browser-based integration and maybe even view testing. That used to be pretty useful, back in the day. For all I know one exists and I haven’t gone looking for it. I’d also like something that could do an automatic “lint” looking for cross-browser issues.

What advice would you give somebody looking to write more effective tests?

0) Buy Noel’s book. 1) Write tests. Like anything else, you improve if you do more of it. 2) Find a project you like and look at their tests to see how they did it. If you find patterns you can steal, go for it.

Test Driven Development: A Tutorial (pdf)

It’s been a while

Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here and some things have built up. Here’s what’s going on.

Chicago Ruby Talk

First off, for those of you in and around Chicago, I’ll be presenting at a meeting downtown on Tuesday, June 23rd at 6:00 PM. Click here for details. The talk will be on the general topic of good testing practices, especially for getting started with testing.

Book Status

I’ve been working through reading the book, making edits, incorporating comments that I got from Dana Jones, making sure everything is up-to-date and that I still agree with everything. It’s been going slowly. I currently expect the next update to be the 29th, rather than the 22nd, but I also hope that will include new sections on Rcov and Webrat.


I’ve started posting a testing tip every day (well, not sure about weekends) on the twitter @railsrx account—take a look.

Registration Email

If you’ve registered your book at the railsrx site, and haven’t gotten an return email, try and log in anyway, I’ve probably approved you. We’re having some issues apparently with the response emails getting marked as spam and bouncing, which we’re working on mitigating.

Pathfinder Blog

Over on the Pathfinder blog, I’ve had some testing related posts in the last few weeks:

  • Rails Testing Frequently Asked Questions — The Non-Code Version
  • Factory tools for fixture replacement: a comparison
  • Comparing Ruby Mock Object Libraries
  • The Return of the Cucumber

Den ganzen Originalartikel können Sie hier lesen: It’s been a while

Christoph Waltz: “Nazis spiele ich nicht mehr”

Der Wiener Schauspieler Christoph Waltz hat sich dank Tarantinos “Inglourious Basterds” nach Hollywood katapultiert. Der Part des Nazi-Oberst Landa ist vermutlich seine “Lebensrolle”, verrät er der “Presse”.
Der Mann bleibt so schrecklich höflich. Da wird er in Cannes als bester Darsteller ausgezeichnet, für seine beeindruckend gespielte Rolle des fiesen wie schlauen SS-Offiziers Hans Landa in Tarantinos Nazisatire „Inglourious Basterds“. Da wird er für eine Oscar-Nominierung ins Spiel gebracht, die ihm plötzlich jeder zutraut. Und was wollen die Leute von ihm, Christoph Waltz, als Allererstes wissen, immer und immer wieder? Wie es denn so war, mit Quentin Tarantino zu drehen. Und mit Brad Pitt. …

Der ganze Originalartikel: Christoph Waltz: “Nazis spiele ich nicht mehr” «

Weshalb spielt er keinen Nazi mehr? Weil es ihm zu banal und zu fad ist, Stereotypen zu spielen. 😉

Einige hat er von vornherein ausgeschlossen. „Einen Nazi“, sagt Waltz, „werde ich nicht noch mal spielen.“ SS-Mann Landa in den „Basterds“ war die Ausnahme, „weil die Rolle so grandios ist. Nazi-Spielen zum Broterwerb ist mir zu banal“. Weniger, weil es Nazis sind – oft die einzige Chance für deutschsprachige Schauspieler, in eine internationale Produktion zu kommen. Sondern, „weil ich es fad finde, Stereotypen zu spielen“.