Chromium Daily Builds für Ubuntu

Einfach die Quelle z. B. Für Jaunty 9.04
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
hinzufügen und installieren. Der Google Browser ist wirklich schnell und ich verwende ihn alternativ zu Firefox.
Mehr dazu auf Chromium.

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. We’re releasing a first look at Chromium and invite you to join us in our effort to:

* Help build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web
* Create a powerful platform for developing a new generation of web applications …

Siehe auch PPA for Ubuntu Chromium Daily Builds

2 Gedanken zu „Chromium Daily Builds für Ubuntu“

  1. Auf liest man – Quelle hinzufügen:
    Step 1: Copy the first line from the apt sources.list entries section of the PPA overview page. For example:

    deb jaunty main

    Step 2: On your Ubuntu computer, open System > Administration > Software Sources.

    Step 3: Click the Third Party Software tab.
    Step 4: Click the Add button.

    Step 5: Paste the line you copied in step 1 and click the Add Source button.

    Step 6: Now copy the second line from the apt sources.list entries section of the PPA overview page and paste it in just as you did in steps 4 and 5.

    When prompted, reload the software sources information. Don’t worry if you see a warning about unverified software sources; we’re going to fix that next.
    Telling Ubuntu how to authenticate the PPA

    Now Ubuntu knows about the PPA. It also needs to know how to check the software hasn’t been tampered with since Launchpad built it.

    Note: This is not an endorsement of any of the software in PPAs. You must make sure you trust the PPA owner before installing their software.

    Step 1: On the PPA’s overview page you’ll see the PPA’s OpenPGP key id. It’ll look something like this: 1024/12345678. Copy it, or make a note of, the portion after the slash, e.g: 12345678.

    Step 2: Open your terminal and enter:

    sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 12345678

    Replace 12345678 with the key id you copied in step 1.

    Step 3: Finally, tell Ubuntu to re-load the details of each software archive it knows about:

    sudo apt-get update

    You’re now ready to install software from the PPA!

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