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For many industries, and for any company size.
This is about the setting up of an efficient, stable, customized and secure computing for companies of various sectors and sizes, which costs nothing, regarding the software, other than installation and configuration work.
All companies have in common, certain tasks must be fulfilled, such as accounting, payroll, purchasing, sales, scheduling and time tracking, etc. all these areas can be open source enterprise resource planning software, odoo, are covered. A good ERP software alone is not enough, however, it must be arranged also for a highly reliable, stable base and a communication system. This would like to cover this page.
This site is aimed at all professionals who want to gain an edge over the competition through free, safe and excellent open source software. Addressed to people who’d like to install, configure and administer and are not afraid to look in the documentation and log files if necessary. If you don’t want that, should rather immediately odoo use on us for the convenience, immediately productive payable can something get started. Future business software is suitable for almost all companies. Especially for retail and corporate products and services create and sell. It is aimed at business owners or their managers, who want to build IT yourself, manage and effectively. On a test server for „Test-Boutique“ can look interested and test the software.
At this point let me quote Gartner, for three years on the „IT infrastructure & operations management Summit“ (IOM) preaches the mantra of automation:
When the business becomes the IT thing.
But automation become far more than an end in itself for a clean running IT. Gartner provides about IT the concept of „digital business“, which is most likely found in „Industry 4.0“ in our latitudes. It is easy to mock such tags as hype or to dismiss window-shop expensive consultants. But the „new business models through the fusing of the digital and physical world“ – so Gartner digital-business-definition – no less than a new industrial revolution, in which a central role falls to IT. Yet these changes in its infancy and that IT managers first and foremost IT operations
I am of the opinion that IT rapidly further developed in recent years and the entrepreneurs should try here, be sure to keep. A modern entrepreneur should know not only in his business and accounting, but he, or a manager of his confidence, should be also the IT administrator. Small and medium-sized businesses will have usually hardly the financial opportunity to harness can always the latest and most efficient technology. Unless they put on free open source software and an effective structure of their computer. Specifically for these entrepreneurs and managers this book is intended for companies of various sizes, which is why it is arranged in three parts.
I will not enter the countless advantages of OSS (open source software), but on
References, sources and external links more info can be found concerning this matter.
This page not only claims to be, which hopefully shows many, useful references and further sources in the bibliography, a guide and introduction for beginners but it should represent a guide allowing entrepreneurs, or whose computer agents to build a total IT solution from free open source software, covering all areas of the company.
The key points of the concept are:
.) Economy – Today, almost every company accepts invoices as PDF and still hundreds to thousands of pages are printed in many companies. That damages the environment, but also the budget not only pointless. Ethernet cables are laid, where the existing power supply ensures a just as good transfer of data and is already present in every…
.) Effectiveness -It is an incredible stupidity, if a company special software is used, say a hotel management software and then be printed out and again entered elsewhere, such as for example, in accounting, data, lists, orders, invoices. When data from a SW exported and re-imported into the other, which is still understandable me although I think also this is not effective. Therefore, I recommend an ERPSW (enterprise resource planning software) which has to all areas of interfaces. When once data entered by the customer or guest – at best, this should be used up to the balance sheet. Multiple data entry and pointless print data should be avoided.
.) Stability and high availability — even with the version: a Server introduces for small businesses, which has a much higher availability than most Microsoft systems, with which I had to work until now forced. For version: A high availability cluster presented for medium-sized businesses, already very high requirements with regard to reliability. The solution for large enterprises, version:, enough at least for NASA and the major research centre CERN, where thousands and thousands virtual servers to be, operated so it should be for a very large operation, or several companies also offer a satisfactory solution.
There is a virtual server (Ubuntu), where all steps that are discussed here are presented also step by step and here in the comment area interested can communicate.
This site is not for people who are afraid to look at a problem in a manual, or to look at the log files. But even if you are not ready to do so, you need not forego this ingenious SW. The experts at or some specialized companies in your country, do any work for you. You can register there and go get, however it costs anything of course and you do not have absolute control over such important areas, such as the email and IMAP server, the database, etc.
Who wants to take responsibility for everything and looking for the absolute cheapest and most efficient solution, the one is right here.
The SW solution consists essentially of odoo, Ubuntu, Postfix & Dovecot, PostgreSQL, Apache, Webmin, AmaViS, Clam AntiVirus, SpamAssassin, Libreoffice, backup-manager and OpenXchange, peacemaker, Corosync and some installation scripts, Chronjobs * 1 and additional Python scripts and modules. Is zusätzlicgh for a high availability system in medium and large companies use peacemaker and Corosync and is used for very large companies and corporations finally open take. It can be used also other Linux distribution, such as Debian, Fedora, SuSE, etc with just small variations (E.g. in the package manager). Alternative databases (MySql), mail servers, etc can be used. Here I set me however to above mentioned SW, so the descriptions are not unnecessarily cluttered. If anyone but prefers a different open source SW, he will know the small deviations.
There are confusing many tutorials, books and guides for each above mentioned software and many offer also a good documentation. But given the countless possible combinations, it is often not easy to find the relevant information. Here, I try to give them as simply and clearly.
Have fun reading and good luck with the open source software.
Helmut Hirner
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