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The upper social class was not yet so severely affected by the restructuring of society and did not get it to the full extent, as the androids were now masters at manipulating humans.
Heli-Hubot was looking for a solution for his father. Since many Heli-Androids in the leading hospitals transplanted and were engaged in prosthetics, of course, he had access to their information. Heli-Hubot or Heli-Androids just needed to think about the IP of another Heli-Android and they were already connected to it and could exchange information efficiently.
Heli-Hubot opens to Odin that most of his biological body can be replaced relatively safely and easily, and he has put together a special team of Heli-Androids who are working on the complete replacement of the nervous system and sensory organs.
Odin got into a conflict of conscience and did not know what to think of this idea. A failure of his lungs took the decision from him, because Heli-Hubot took him immediately to the research facility, where his special team work. The lungs were replaced with a special filter that oxygenated the blood and filtered out CO2. Body aches and the fear of dying moved Odin to finally agree with Heli-Hubot’s plan.
The project was a top priority for Helios Robotikcs and first steps were taken immediately.
First, his limbs were replaced, the problem was not so much the interface to the spinal cord, but the skin was the problem that could be solved only unsatisfactory for the time being. A heart attack after the transplant accelerated the further actions. All internal organs and the entire supporting apparatus have been replaced. Odin consisted of only one biological spinal cord, one neck and one head, everything else had already been replaced.
Odin got used to the new body very quickly and was very satisfied with it. Finally he was able to walk properly again. Instead of eating and breathing, all he had to do was change his battery every few hours and ensure the supply of nutrient fluid to the remaining biological material.
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Now Odin was really sure that he wanted to replace his entire body with artificial parts. The special team made great progress with the artificial skin and so all neck and head muscles were next replaced and covered with the artificial skin. The last bones of the skull and the ossicles were macerated and gradually connective and supporting tissues were replaced. Only the sensory organs and the brain of Odin remain. However, the whole cerebellum and the sensory and motor part of the cerebral cortex had already been replaced. For as the muscles of the body were replaced, interfaces were first created in the spinal cord, and then one could gradually replace the nerves from the brain to the spinal cord, which controlled the muscles.
In principle they could replace all nerve cells, but replacing one cell with all its connections after another would have been a difficult task even for the special team. At least not in a timely manner. One focused on the olfactory center and could successfully replace it with a chip. The sensors, meaning the sense organs themselves, could easily be replaced, but the associated brain areas were an incredibly complex task. It could be mastered and as the last part of the brain also the frontal lobe was replaced. In between, there were over and over checks to see if Odin’s personality has changed. She does not have it and even before the completion of the last transplant, a copy of Odin was made. Now it was done and even if Odin was completely destroyed or killed, you could just backup up. The first completely artificial man was created. It was also a crucial step in the human rights dispute for androids. Odin was an artificial human and yet an android who was previously a biological human. Odin retained its former human rights, which was nothing special, since androids with a personality module already had human rights for a long time, but they did not want to take them anymore.
Odin fand sich schnell mit seinem neuen Körper zurecht und konnte endlich wieder normal gehen, doch der Eingriff war ein ständiger Erinnerung an die fortschreitende Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine.Telkom University Jakarta
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